
Which bit of tech will you give up for Lent? iPod? or phone?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 05 March 2009

Mobile phone calls may be OK. But not texting. And, whatever you do, do NOT log on to the Papal web site to complain about the Catholic bishops. They have specifically listed the Web as one of the indulgences you should give up for the next 40 odd days.

In Ariel David's report the list of sinful pleasures proscribed includes "modern appliances from cars to MP3 players and surfing the Web or text messaging..." until Easter.

Specifically texting is seen as something to deny yourself - on Fridays, anyway.

"It's a small way to remember the importance of concrete and not virtual relationships," the Modena diocese said in a statement. "It's an instrument to remind us that our actions and lifestyles have consequences in distant countries."

But the "no txtng" days aren't purely religious, said David:

The diocese said the "no SMS day" seeks to draw attention especially to years of conflict in Congo fueled in part by the struggle for control of coltan mines. The mineral is an essential material in cell phones.
Alternatively, you could follow the alternative Lent as suggested by the Turin diocese - don't watch television during Lent. As if watching TV is an indulgence...

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