
Mobile dating; use your mobile, says Skout

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 March 2009

Help singles find, flirt and connect with other singles in their immediate vicinity. Give them Skout OUT. How? "Skout OUT solves the age-old problem of finding and approaching singles," said Skout's CEO and founder Christian Wiklund. Yes, but how?

"As an industry first, we are connecting the virtual online dating world with the real world. Skout OUT enables singles at clubs to 'see' not only available singles at their location, but also singles in other nearby venues as well as Skout mobile phone users. Skout OUT is an important new tool in our company's mission to make finding love easier."

Yes, but what do you actually do?

Chris Shipley, executive producer for DEMO: "I've been following Skout's progress for some time, and they have impressed me with their disruptive approach to the dating industry with a unique blend of vision and technology."

OK, you show up in a bar, and Skout disrupts your dating experience. Whoop bloody eee!  That's it?

Apparently not. Watch the video, you idiot (they said) and all will be clear. I watched it, and my PC stopped playing it. I suspect I'll just have to admit that I shouldn't take up dating. "Would you come into the garden with me? I want my roses to see you."

Skout has a kiosk, apparently, and they put these in bars. You can try it out starting in the second quarter of this year (usually, that's code for "June") and Anthony Ha's report says it's "out there" - and at this point, I usually give up and go to bed.

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Sheridan found it didn't work either...