
And on copyright theft: Roy Puttnam (tickets seven quid) speaks!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 08 March 2009

Coinciding with FACT's UNsustainable year, we have Lord David Puttnam giving the Second Roy Stringer Lecture - in Liverpool March 26th.

His talk will start 7.15 and you get an hour of his time for just £7.00 - and it seems he's not just talking about copyright theft.

"The talk will examine why, individually and collectively, we need to change our lives to ensure that the UK becomes a truly sustainable society in the 21st century," says the official blurb.

In particular, Lord Puttnam "will focus on relationship between the communications industries, education, and climate change and ask how digital technologies can help us develop our education system and help to advance knowledge and learning."

Details of the venue on the official site. Tickets & Information +44 (0)8707 583217
Bookings +44 (0)151 707  4450

+44 (0)8707 583217

+44 (0)151 707 4450
Ticket Info: £7.00 / £5.00 concessions

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