Canalys "Navigation Forum" arrives in Budapest for EMEA markets.
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 01 September 2008
From September 8 to September 10, 2008, Canalys will host its third annual EMEA forum, at the Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal in Budapest, Hungary.
"The many hundreds of people who attended the previous EMEA events rated them exceptionally highly.," says the company's publicity department, adding: "The EMEA forum is recognised as the critical navigation industry event for CEOs, marketing and sales specialists across the region. These events were pivotal in raising attendees’ awareness of the massive opportunities for navigation, as well as their understanding of the unusual and unsustainable industry value chain, which has since been so radically redefined."
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Canalys "Navigation Forum" arrives in Budapest for EMEA markets.
Forum: The Future for Mobile and Wireless Services, London