
BBC goes for RFID tags for library "audio books"

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 September 2008

The BBC's Audiobooks publishing section has installed Intellident tagging equipment, which will enable them to print, program and stick tags onto the large print and audio books in its range of publications for poor-sighted readers.

The move fits in with a growing trend for libraries to use RFID to track their stocks.

Intellident, which last week announced a deal for the county-wide installation of RFID self-service into Norfolk County Council, today said that it was "delighted to announce that we are now the supplier of equipment, support and maintenance services for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagging for BBC Audiobooks and books."

Before the Norfolk contract was confirmed, Intellident and Norfolk County Council performed an initial trial of self-service equipment, installing a staff station desk into a small library and two self-service kiosks into the new Poringland library.

"Significantly, within 3 weeks over 90 percent of transactions were performed using the self-service equipment, which remained consistent over the 3 month period that the trial was conducted. Subsequent to a successful pilot of the self-service solutions and staff stations into two more libraries, the project team have now begun installing staff stations into 48 of the libraries and self-service kiosks into 24 of them."

In addition, Intellident will provide stock management handheld units, smart labels and a chip and PIN payment solution.

Fran Valentine, Manager at Downham Market is quoted in the publicity announcement of the project: "We are extremely pleased with how the installation is progressing. We are now into week six of using our RFID kiosks at Downham Market. Our large counter has been replaced with three RFID kiosks and a small two-level desk equipped with staff stations. The library definitely appears more open and spacious".

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