
Forum: The Future for Mobile and Wireless Services, London

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 01 September 2008

This will be a Westminster Media Forum keynote seminar: The Future for Mobile and Wireless Services.
Timing: Morning, 25th September 2008; Venue: Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, SE1 6HZ

Draft Timetable

8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.05 Chairman’s opening remarks ["Senior Parliamentarian"]
9.05 – 9.35 The Ofcom Mobile Sector Assessment (MSA)

Themes: The initial findings of the MSA. What is the future for regulation of the mobile communications sector? Where is regulation most needed, and what is the scope for deregulation and promotion of competition within the sector? How should the principles defining the next phase of Ofcom’s work on market development be defined?

Stuart McIntosh, Competition Partner, Ofcom

Other speakers include:

  • Tim Lord, Regulatory Director, 3
  • Jenine Hulsmann, Partner, Clifford Chance
  • Paul Rowen MP, Member, All Party Parliamentary Group on New Media
  • Mark Watkins, Director of Sales and Business Development, National Grid Wireless
  • Scott Beaumont, Founder, Mippin
  • Ronan de Renesse, Senior Analyst, Head of Mobile Media, Screen Digest
  • Ian Domville, Consultant Architect, Nortel
  • David Stewart, Director of Investigations, Ofcom
  • and Peter van Gelder, Director, Westminster Media Forum
  • (Draft agenda subject to change)

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