Which award-giving Editor has lost his marbles?
by Sniffer | posted on 08 March 2002
Everybody had a great time at the Mobile News Awards dinner this week. But at first, Sniffer had reports of rather too many black ties being undone, and too many low-cut dresses leading to the nervous prostration of a leading light of the industry.

Specifically, Sniffer was told, "Ian White has lost his marbles."
Ian White, Editor and founder of Mobile News? The man who, so many years ago, started MicroScope for Felix Dennis? He never had any marbles to lose, did he? Was this a scoop?
Intrigued, Sniffer rang the publishers of Mobile News to see if there was any trace of the great entrepreneur. He was told: "No, sorry, he's gone home."
Disappointed, Sniffer asked if he could have a mobile number to contact him. Our source laughed: "No, he had rather a good time at the Awards, and the next morning, he found he'd lost his mobile ... "
Plausible, plausible. But which is worse, if you're the publisher of Mobile News? - losing your marbles, or your mobiles?
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Which award-giving Editor has lost his marbles?