Fake "3G" networks exposed ...
by Sniffer | posted on 10 March 2002
Verizon is "the first U.S. American carrier to launch a sizable 3G footprint" —a carefully phrased statement that does not quite claim to be promising actual third-generation, or 3G, services at this time.

Nice to see Newsweek get it right. Sniffer's Sunday reading picks up on a nice little analysis of all the assurances from people in 3G promising launches this year.
Try this: "The official 3G minimum speed, set by the International Teleommunications Union two years ago, is 144 kilobits per second (Kbps) ... .And when will that happen? On its Web site, Verizon Wireless boasts of 'speeds bursting up to 144 Kbps.' Sprint PCS makes a similar claim for a service launching midyear. The rhetoric amuses Emblaze's Eliraz: 'Maybe if you put the phone within inches of the [base-station] antenna, you'd get 144'."
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Fake "3G" networks exposed ...