
Load balancing: a critical feature for information providers online

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 02 March 2009

Being able to publish data twice as fast - or twice as much data in the same time - is obviously going to appeal to Cloud Computing providers. So when Steve Broadhead mentioned (over a glass in a Barcelona MWC hospitality suite) that a product called Accelerating Load Balancer Extreme ALB-X was worth investigating, ears went up.

Broadhead, founder and director of Broadband-Testing, has now given his official imprimatur to the JetNexus ALB-X load balancing technique. His comment:

“Results from the MyWebAlert website monitoring service have proved that web server downtime, application and service availability are still major issues for online platforms."

The problem, says Broadhead,  has been for companies to find the right level of load-balancer or ADC that isn’t over-engineered and vastly over-priced for their needs. “The JetNexus products provide every critical feature for ensuring application and service delivery, but are affordable for any small to medium business, not just the enterprise-level guys," he said this week.

These are features that should be built into server OS’s but never will be, Broadhead says.

Full details in the JetNexus press release

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