
Google loves WiMAX! ... is this because Intel bosses sit on Google board?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 12 May 2008

Calling the WiMAX plans for Clearwire and Sprint "a disaster" commentator Erick Schonfeld at Tech Crunch has suggested that there has to be a reason for Google's involvement in this. And (he says) it's not a good business reason.

The basic story: Sprint Nextel and Clearwire are to go ahead with the rumoured plan to combine their "fledgling WiMax businesses. Also, Intel has invested nearly $30m in Swedish spectrum (the 2.6 G band) for WiMAX purposes.

Schonfeld reported the story straight. But he doesn't like the idea:

Everyone is enthralled with this idea of WiMax as a disruptive wireless mobile broadband alternative. Even Neal Cavuto couldn’t stop waxing about the wonderful wireless future that this deal represents.
And he adds:
"I wish that it were true."
His reasons - read his detailed arguments - number seven bullet points:

  • Clearwire and Sprint have not yet proven that WiMax is a viable business even for fixed wireless
  • WiMax hasn’t proven itself elsewhere either.
  • Before you can turn Wimax into a mobile broadband service, you need mobile WiMax equipment.
  • Clearwire doesn’t know how to act like a mobile company.
  • Sprint is conflicted.
  • WiMax is not a global standard.
  • McCaw may be a visionary, but sometimes he doesn’t see so clearly.
  • That's sticking your neck out...

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