
Dogbert takes over Teleworst tech support?

by Sniffer | posted on 07 May 2002

Sniffer was called in recently in his role as online trouble-shooter when the NewsWireless Net connection sprang a leak, and left VIPs (Very Important Packets) all over the floor.


To get technical help, Sniffer had to go to the Teleworst web site and fill in an online response form. It asked for Sniffer's email address. And commendably quickly, an email arrived asking, quite sensibly, for specific information.
Sniffer promptly replied with the information required. His message was intercepted by a BOFH system of which Dogbert would have been proud:
"So that we can gather the maximum amount of relevant information to resolve your query, we have replaced the ability to e-mail us directly with the online support forms on our help website, which you can find at http://help.blueyonder.co.uk (click on the 'blueyonder' heading, then 'Contact Us')" said the auto-response.
Inexplicably, Sniffer discovers, the domain www.teleworst.com has not be registered - yet! Be afraid ...