It's a beachcam, Luvvie; Intel goes wireless at Cannes
by Sniffer | posted on 11 May 2002
Starring at the Cannes Film Festival may sooth Intel egos, still smarting somewhat from the company's failure to land the contract to provide BT's hotspot WiFi equipment (Cisco got the order).

People don't get it, do they? You can talk about wireless till the cows come home, but until they actually see it working, they don't understand why it's so remarkable. And so Intel has decided to influence the people who influence the rest of us; the film industry.
This year's Cannes Film Festival will be "unwired" - with the four big hotels all flooded with WiFi packets, Sniffer can report. And there will also be one down on the beach, based on an Intel yacht.
Let's just hope that they manage to get the yacht moored properly - a lesson Siemens learned earlier this year at the 3GSM show in the same location.
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