
Mobile adverts - a fad? Mobile Web 2.0 convention looms June 11/12 London

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 20 May 2008

Just a couple of weeks to go before the Mobile Web 2.0 Summit in London's Mayfair Hotel. This is a high-power (high-fee) convention, running on two days: 11 and 12 June.

The list of speakers is not short, and includes most of the usual "convention junkies" like veteran analyst Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis and "3" CTO Ed Candy, or even Tony Fish - who is billed as "Author, Mobile Web 2.0" - without whom a mobile convention would seem fake. It also has attracted some less familiar figures such as Alfie Dennen, co-founder of Moblog, and Ajit Jaokar, CEO, Futuretext (also billed as "Author, Mobile Web 2.0") and Andrew Bud, Executive Chairman, mBlox Inc. & Vice Chair, Mobile Entertainment Forum .

The shindig will be chaired by Bena Roberts, Founder & Editor, GoMo News (full programme here) and there are several vague-sounding sessions, interspersed with truly demanding subjects. The one NewsWireless is most looking forward to is at 1:45 pm on the first day:

The role of Mobile Web 2.0 in advertising and brand impact - revenue potential or just another fad?

chaired by Ovum's Eden Zoller. Agenda for that session reads:

  • Is mobile truly the future for advertising?
  • Personal platforms and locative data – using Mobile Web 2.0 to advertise contextually
  • Consumer opinion - how to create an ad structure that is non-intrusive and adds value to user experience
  • Security issues – how can advertising be safe for children? 
  • Opportunities for brands within mobile communities and user generated content
  • • Using advertising to create a sustainable business in the Mobile Web 2.0 space

    • What does advertising mean for the operator?

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