
Mobile brands climb in value, despite credit crunch

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 21 April 2008

The value of the Vodafone brand "rose by 75% this year" according to a consultant report; it reached a value of $36.9bn (£19bn) "giving it a global ranking of 11th ahead of Tesco and HSBC." And yet, people still expect Arun Sarin to be spending more time with his family come Xmas.

The Brandz Top 100 is compiled by the consultancy Millward Brown, [Acrobat PDF document] which combines balance sheet values with consumer sentiment.

It also reveals that China Mobile, the operator network, has been joined by a Russian phone company: Russian-based mobile operator MTS entered the ranking at number 89. MTS is the first Russian brand to make the Top 100 list with a brand value of $8.1bn.

Technology generally accounts for half the growth-brands, says the consultancy.

The complete BrandZ Ranking report with category and regional breakdowns as well as additional analysis is available online at, and at

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