
Qualcomm to buy David Manners lunch? Dinner?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 21 April 2008

"Qualcomm is not the most beloved company in the industry because of its aggressive stance on IP."

The quote is from the blog of David Manners, correspondent at Electronics Weekly, and licensed troublemaker; but despite widespread (indeed, almost universal) acceptance of the sentiment by the mobile industry, it's Something You Shouldn't Say.

Qualcomm has endured snipings of this sort for some time, secure in its intellectual property revenue stream, but it has started to dawn on some in San Diego that making friends might be worth trying.

It's a safe bet that Manners will receive a phone call from a senior figure associated with Qualcomm, suggesting that "We'd like to understand your feelings about the corporation better" in the next few days. An opportunity to meet a Very Senior Executive will be offered, and probably a good dinner.The story that prompted this news item was headlined "Will the wireless industry get screwed twice?" and included several quotes from notable industry figures, suggesting that Qualcomm had achieved this feat once, and might not manage the trick a second time.

According to Europe’s leading semiconductor analysts, Future Horizons: "You only get one chance to screw the industry."
wrote Manners, adding:
At NXP, now joined with STMicroelectronics in a wireless joint venture, the head of business development, Theo Claasen reckons: "These things that can only be done once. Europe has seen what happens when Qualcomm is allowed to have a dominant position in a technology. Qualcomm is not the most beloved company in the industry becasue of its aggressive stance on IP. It has less IP in 4G than in 3G and our new company has a good opportunity to be a powerful force."

What has Qualcomm done this time? "By not joining a consortium for the fair cross-licensing of 4G IP, the San Diego company could be giving notice that they intend to do to the wireless industry at 4G what they tried to do at 3G."

Moral: if you want to make friends with people, you have to go to their parties...

Enjoy your dinner, David.

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