
Pyjamas won't do for startup companies at home...

by Sniffer | posted on 25 March 2008

"It isn’t enough to simply show up for work everyday in your home office in your pajamas," says small business expert Jeff Landers.


He's just published a book for people starting out a new enterprise: "The Home Office From Hell Cure" - with, naturally, its own web site.

Signs your home office is heading to the inferno?

  • Starbucks is starting to encroach on my profits: If you are conducting all your big meetings in the Science Fiction section of Barnes and Noble or you are working on your sixth Grande Frappuccino, then you have a Home Office from Hell.
  • I realized today at 4 p.m. that I was still wearing pajamas: If your idea of networking is talking to the cat, and you haven’t been in a shower or out of the house in over a week, then you have a Home Office from Hell.
  • I feel like I live at the office… wait! I do!: If your workday ends two minutes before you drop into bed, or you are taking 4 A.M. phone calls from sleepless clients, then you have a Home Office from Hell.
  • Full press release is available here. No similarity to the operations of NewsWireless.Net should be presumed. Our boardroom meetings are held at the Dog and Duck, Soho, and our proprietor does not wear pyjamas...

    That was probably TMI.

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