
Ban Bullying: a Good Cause whether wireless or wired...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 19 June 2007

There is really no specific wireless angle to "Ban bullying at work day" which comes in November this year, but NewsWireless regards this as a good cause worth drawing anybody's attention to. Here's today's official announcement urging all to speak out against bullying:

Over one million people took part in Ban Bullying At Work Day in 2006. The day is spearheaded by The Andrea Adams Trust, the world's only non-political, not for profit charity tackling workplace bullying, and is pleased to announce that the 2007 campaign will be bigger than ever.

Now in its fifth year, the campaign is dedicated to raising awareness of bullying in the workplace for both workers and employers. Bullying costs UK businesses £18 billion per year and current research indicates that one in four people has experienced bullying in the workplace.

In 2007 the campaign will be encouraging people to 'SPEAK OUT' against bullying to address issues and create a productive working environment. Businesses and individuals can request their participation pack and find out more information at the official web site

Matt Witheridge, Operations Director, said; "Following last year's successful campaign we have been inundated from businesses and from individuals. People are beginning to recognise bullying behaviours and understand their negative impact on the workplace. This year we are taking the campaign up a level to an even wider audience and encourage people to support the campaign in their own workplaces."

The campaign will include a poster campaign, an interactive CD ROM participation pack for companies (which can be accessed at, wristbands and other merchandise, the UK's largest survey of attitudes to bullying, a Central London launch on the day itself (7th November 2007), a series of round tables for business leaders and for the very first a charity golf day to raise funds for the campaign.

Businesses and individuals are invited to take part in the charity golf day on 14th September 2007. Held at Guildford Golf Club the luxurious day includes all meals and drinks, prizes and a charity auction will be held on the day. Companies will also receive free training resources (training, supporter's pack, posters, featured as a sponsor on the website). The day includes breakfast and lunch, a full 18 hole stableford competition, an hour trick show display from UK champion Jeremy Dale and a charity auction including signed merchandise from US Open winner Michael Campbell. To register your four ball please contact Matt Witheridge on 01273 704 900. For more information please contact Helen Trevorrow or Sara Manstan at Green Row on 020 8960 8950.


The Ban Bullying at Work campaign is founded by the Andrea Adams Trust, the world's only non-political, non-profit making charity operating as the focus for the diverse and complex problems caused by bullying behaviour in the workplace.

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