Hardy book author, McCarthy, without using wireless at all, finds the pub
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 31 May 2007
The occasion: the launch of a book by Kieren McCarthy (ICANN executive, former dog-sitter, ex-journalist) at a venue in Covent Garden, London. The problem: I can't make the launch! - I have a TV appointment with ITV "Manhunt" at the same time as the big PR event. Solution "We could meet for a pint before!" says McCarthy.
So we could, I admit. "So, where's the launch, and where are you, Kieren?"
He says he's in Holborn. The launch is in Covent Garden, which is a ten minute stroll from Holborn. "Where shall we meet?" he asks.
Quickly, I run through the list of pubs I know in Holborn. Well, there's not a long list. There's the Shakespear's Head, I tell him. "Where's that?" he asks. It's in Kingsway, I tell him. "Kingsway?" he asks, thinking hard...
Oh, for goodness sake, Kieren; the main road past Holborn tube station! A big, Wetherspoons pub!
"Oh. I think I ... I think I may actually be in that pub."
There's the sound of rustling paper. "Just let me grab a menu..."
Yes, he is in it.
I now have a signed copy of "" by Kieren McCarthy. It says "To be, or not to be... in the right pub" rather sheepishly. And to think I allowed this man to be my dog-sitter when I was on holiday!
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