
Security, and, and these aren't the droids you're looking for

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 25 May 2007

We start this sketch in the office of a nice young man, who is security conscious, and alert to "phishing" attacks. He is, also, a customer of As our clip starts, the phone rings, and the nice young man picks it up. A voice addresses him.

Voice: "Hello this is We need to speak to you, but first, can we go through some security questions?"

Nice Young Man: "How do I know it's really Egg? Can I verify it's you?"

Voice: "Erm, well, can we go through some security questions?"

NYM: "OK. What is your name, and your supervisor's name, please?"

Voice: "I'm Turalihamasuma Bloggs, and my supervisor is Andrew Srikalithekarana."

NYM: "I'll call your office."

[Sound FX: phone dialling noises]

NYM: "Is that Egg? Hello! - I need to verify that you do indeed have Turalihamasuma Bloggs, and his supervisor Andrew Srikalithekarana working there, please?"

Egg: "It is Egg's policy not to reveal names and identities of staff."

[SFX: click]

Time passes. Some thirty minutes later:

[SFX: phone rings]

Voice: "Hello this is We need to speak to you, but first, can we go through some security questions?"

Nice Young Man: "How do I know it's really Egg? Can I verify it's you?"

Voice: "Erm, well, can we go through some security questions?"

NYM: "What is your name, and your supervisors name, please?"

Voice: "I'm Shivaramakrishna Smith, and my supervisor is Peter Muradulkatel."

NYM: "I'll call back..."

Repeat until done.

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