
An evening out for NewsWireless staff

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 July 2007

It's the First Thursday of the month, and some of us will perform a ritual known as "Thirst Furday" when we gather in a pub, and talk about things that aren't wireless.

Normally, the only other person who knows about this thrash is the Mouse, Hank Maus himself (otherwise known as the Hunkymouse, or Sniffer) but this week, it's so cold and wet and miserable, we thought we'd let a few of you know where we'll be

To find us, the trick is to march straight through the pub to the back, and find the quiet room labelled "Dave Rigler" - bringing a jug of good bitter beer with you.

Address is
50 Cornhill, EC3V 3PD but if you get lost, they have a phone number.

phone: 0871 984 1485 (10p per min)

Don't let anybody know I told you...

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