
3GSM: Remember the Personal Mobile Gateway? Now, it's Ogo 2.0 instead!

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 10 February 2007

The original product line of IXI mobile was a Bluetooth wireless hub. A brilliant concept, but hard to sell; so this year, they have a new range of products and services to show in Barcelona.

Ogo2.0 is described as "A new and unique concept in Mobile Messaging," but the company isn't giving any details away. However, Ogo itself is not a secret, and you can read all about it.

"The Ogo Devices are designed to deliver popular messaging applications, such as instant messaging (IM), email, news (RSS), SMS, mobile voice and Web browsing on optimized devices, increasing data usage and enhancing the users’ mobile experience," says the web site blurb.

These products can be tailored to meet customer requirements, both hardware and software needs, providing a platform for future revenues.

It's almost a year, by the way, since IXI Mobile and Israel Technology Acquisition Corporation (ITAC) agreed to a merger, making IXI a wholly owned subsidiary. After the merger, ITAC changed its name to IXI Mobile, Inc. and IXI Mobile became IXI Mobile (USA), Inc.

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