
3GSM: cross-platform IM chat from SolidLabs launched

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 10 February 2007

SolidLabs is announcing what it claims is "the very first cross platform mobile chat application with both Java and FlashLite clients." Presumably, it will be hoping that mobile operators will not be afraid of seeing IM erode their substantial  SMS text revenues.

The announcement says users "are able to exchange chat and instant messages with Mac and PC users, as well as other mobile users, across platforms and networks including MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, and AIM for convenient management of one Buddy list.

"Telecommunications companies can use this application to boost revenue, as voice based revenue streams are declining," says Kelly Sampson, media relations manager. Well, if SMS revenues decline because of successful IM, telcos will be caught between a rock and a hard place.

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