
Is this a record? or a hand-cuff?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 25 July 2006

Ask yourself - what is the connection between a "delivery status notification (failure)" and Corinne Bailey Rae, or a wrist-band?

The notification (I can tell you this because I did it) was sent to the ISP because a mail bounced. The answer came back swiftly: "We've fixed it."

Well, actually, it said: "according to our records, your request has been resolved." That was enough for Google Adsense!  - records? This must be a music buff! and so it advertised "Trouble Sleeping".

And then, just to make sure it hadn't got the wrong end of the stick, it realised that "records" are usually so described if they're vinyl. So it advertised a "huge range of vinyl records at low prices with fast UK delivery" from

And before giving up, it realised that vinyl isn't only used for records, and so it pointed me at which prints wrist-bands.

Wrist-bands? Email? What's the connection, for gosh sakes!

Easy. The wrist-bands are available "in tyvek, plastic or vinyl."Tags: , ,

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