
Chris Mossing moving up: large hat needed...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 24 July 2006

Few people in the industry (it has been said) have the same problem with their ego as I do myself, but some do: and one of the more conspicuous is Chris Mossing. He's Vice President, Enterprise Sales (Full Time Consultant at PC Tools, and as the link shows, has a new fire being lit.

His track record certainly justifies his self-confidence. He's started more businesses than I've interviewed CEOs, and he's one of those "over 500 connections" guys on LinkedIn. And in the days when I was Editor At Large at MicroScope, he was known in the office as "the man most likely to buy a solar-powered saddle for his bicycle..."

I can remember having a disagreement with Mossing once, and feeling I'd put my point across forcefully (a nice hotel next to St James's park tube station, I recall, on a hot day) and unanswerably. Mossing had the ultimate riposte: "Guy, I'm probably the best paid executive in the UK software industry, and I'm telling you, you're wrong."

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