
Air show to be WiFi enabled at Farnborough

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 16 July 2006

Having the certainty of a wireless network at a trade show is still not normal, but I'm encouraged in my plans to visit the Farnborough Air Show tomorrow (Monday) by the discovery that iBAHN is 'unwiring' the entire campus. Probably, not the actual aircraft, though.

All too often, this sort of event is unwired by amateurs, and the consequences are not pretty. "It all worked fine when we set it up and tested it," says a weeping technical manager on the first day of the show.

Yes, if only it weren't for the users, a WLAN would be so easy to run, eh? iBAHN is not an amateur, as the announcement shows: they do this a lot. And organised, too; in the post with my Air Show ticket I have the WLAN "passport" including security passpin.

Let's hope the aircraft aren't the only exciting thing there. I like planes! - but I do need something to write about, and the iBAHN setup had better not be the only thing...

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