
"I don't BELIEVE it!" - the Encyclopaedia of Unbelief for just how much?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 07 August 2006

A new meaning of "just" - in this offer from Amazon: "As someone who has purchased books by Richard Dawkins, you might like to know that The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief will be released on August 9, 2006. You can pre-order your copy for just £142.50 by following the link below."

No, the book isn't the collected sayings of Victor Meldrew, but I don't believe it.

Not only is Amazon asking me to believe that this is "by Richard Dawkins" when he actually wrote only a Foreword, but if you go to the American branch of Amazon, you'll find the same book for $125.37. That would be £66 of your British pounds. Except... it looks like the same book, but it is being touted as "by Tom Flynn" - is the name of Professor Dawkins really worth 76 odd quid?Tags:

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