Map of some WiFi hot-spots in the UK
by Guy Kewney | posted on 28 February 2003
What's your favourite WiFi hotspot? Someone has gone to the bother of listing some; here we have some maps, showing the majority of UK commercial access points.

This map, courtesy ZDNet, shows a country-wide UK distribution of four hotspot providers. Nothing from Wialess; we'll have to edit it one day!
This link here shows all the maps, out of which we've picked four:
The UK map is here.
There's also a Greater London map - again, just the four providers - BT OpenZone, Megabeam, Starbucks (T-mobile) and WiFi Explorer.
And the financial district - the old City of London, inside the walls.
What this set of maps doesn't, strangely, show, is the London Westminster list. Anybody who has a favourite "West End" WiFi node, please let us know.
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