Waiting for LTE: Rural need for WiMAX H&S stopgap?
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 March 2010
A few weeks ago, Urgent Communications (Lynnette Luna) suggested that WiMAX could help country folk, waiting for full LTE wireless:
"WiMAX could be a rural solution, particularly in the short term."
Her argument was that public safety bodies "take a look again at WiMAX — not as a long-term alternative for a nationwide Long Term Evolution (LTE) network, but as a stopgap measure until a nationwide network is in place, which could take five years or more."
And she added:
"Certainly I received the usual comments arguing that commercial providers are not up to public safety's standards (i.e. reliability, priority access). I get it. But does it have to be, at this point, for public safety to take advantage of WiMAX?"
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