The ultimate "boyztoyz" critic, Rojas, sets up his own news site
by Guy Kewney | posted on 17 March 2004
Remember Gizmodo? It was the "must visit" web site for anybody who wanted small, wireless, portable or just neat gadgets, and it owed most of its reputation to the "obsessive" Peter Rojas, its Editor.

Gizmodo still exists, of course; they've got the archive of years of Rojas investigation. But for those of us who went there for what Peter could find, the migration to his new project is automatic.
There's the promise of a full CeBIT report from Germany, at the Hannover Fair, to look forward to. In the meantime, the latest edition of has a review of the Siemens SX1 cellphone from Mobile Burn and dozens of other pointers to just about everything else that's neat and new, on the web.
So (for example) if you didn't know about Logitech's new Quickcam Orbit - a webcam which follows your face around - Rojas has got the link to the DesignTechnica review. Plus pix, of course!
Or there's dottocomu's review of the Vertex USB memory dongle which includes a free webcam.
I suppose I should warn you: "Don't go there! - you'll never escape!" but I can promise you, it's going to be high on my "favourite" and "bookmark" list for starting the day.
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