Dick spots? No no, not dick spots. Dick Spots Jane: location based dating!
by Guy Kewney | posted on 25 August 2004
What spam filter would let through a message starting, literally, with the words: "DICK SPOTS ... " ? But ours did. We nearly deleted it, and then found ... it's not what it seems.

What it meant was: "DICK SPOTS JANE THROUGH INNOVATIVE LOCATION-BASED SINGLES NETWORK. Some kind of kindergarten reading satire, it turns out: "See Dick. See Jane. See Dick spot Jane via - an innovative, online location-based singles network launched today that allows people to meet each other face-to-face regardless of where they are. launch helps people hook up face-to-face," it went on.
What a relief.
It's from Canada: "SpotMeeting is a revolutionary service for singles that lets them find a date instantly and usually within walking distance," says SpotMeeting's CEO Chester Yeum. "Other available online dating sites are limited in their reach because they're missing the key ingredient --'location'. SpotMeeting offers 'on-the- spot' connectivity by combining the established power of the Internet along with the emerging technology of Location-Based Services (LBS)."
But will it give you a nice helping of spotted dick
Sadly, no. Here's the full text of the release:
After logging in with a valid e-mail address, subscribers have access to SpotMeeting's Location- Based Singles Network (LBSN), enabling them to make contact with other singles in their immediate vicinity - securely and instantly. By giving access to other singles in proximity, SpotMeeting generates more face-to-face interactions, which ultimately result in more matches.
"For many of today's singles, the age-old question remains, 'What's the best way to meet someone face- to-face?,' adds Yeum. "That question got a whole lot easier today with SpotMeeting. We are solely dedicated to enhancing the online dating experience for singles worldwide."
SpotMeeting is the first and only provider of Mobile Proximity Dating, an emerging segment in the rapidly growing online matchmaking industry. Currently available as a free browser-based version, it will be a platform-independent service accessible from any Internet enabled device, whether it's a smartphone, WiFi-enabled Laptop/PDA or a home/office PC. SpotMeeting will also address four key underachieving applications in the mobile industry: LBS, WAP/WAP- Push, Text-Messaging and WiFi hotspots.
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