
It's GPRS only. No voice. Costs £273.50 - plus £163.35 PA to run...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 27 May 2009

Why on earth (you might ask) would anybody want this mobile? No speaker, no display, no camera. Huge price, pretty expensive fees! The secret: it tracks your car, or your camera, or anything you really value, and plots its path.

The Traakit "monitor" won't work for a diamond ring, but anything bigger than a lawn-mower becomes really hard to steal if you have one attached. It inclujdes GPRS, and uses GPS to report its position to the Traakit service.

The clever bit is the "magic fence" which you can build around something. The monitor wakes up if it moves; but it doesn't panic unless its GPS plot goes outside a map you draw. Then, it screams; sends you email, shows you where it is.

Full details here. For a limited period, they will reduce the annual service charge to £133.65 for the first 12 month period. This represents a saving of 25% over the monthly price.

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