
Segway recall: make money by testifying! George Bush, you there?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 26 February 2009

A lawyer is searching for expert witnesses who can analyse the software in a Segway, on behalf of an unnamed plaintiff. The lawsuit is on behalf of people who were thrown off the fashionable scooter.

Famously, one victim of the Segway was then-President George Bush. Naturally, his mishap, recorded for YouTube fans, was attributed to his own clumsiness

But the company did have to recall 6,000 faulty Segway machines in 2003, after injuries. Lawyer Rick Wagner is now looking for an expert witness who can explain why it went wrong.

"We think that some of the recalled devices didn't have their software changed," he told NewsWireless. "Also, there's an issue with the tyres; some got 'skinny' tyres, only an inch tall, and others got softer, taller ones about four inches."

It's Wagner's hope that an expert will be able to explain how the software works, and why it's not appropriate to use the same control software on both sets of tyres.

"There's also an issue with the firmness of the softer tyres," said Wagner. "We think that some people were literally bounced off. What may have happened, is that they would hit a bump, and the soft wheels would bounce the rider into the air. If that happened, there are sensors in the footplate to detect the weight of the rider, and they'll tell the software that there's nobody on it," he added.

"So the software will stop the device, and that throws the user off."

It's one theory, sure; but a lawyer explaining it to the judge may not carry conviction. Quite possibly, even an ex-President explaining it might not be good enough. But a convincing expert geek?

If you are that convincing expert geek, contact Rick Wagner on +1 419 351-7575 and offer your services; he promises "big money" for the right witness.

Update: April 20 2009

Rick Wagner tells us he has now withdrawn his lawsuit. He also asked us to point out that he is, in fact, not a lawyer, but the attempted plaintif.

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