
Testing mobile broadband - part 1...

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 25 February 2009

Whose damn silly idea was it to test mobile broadband modems? Oh. OK, it was my idea. So, then: whose REALLY silly idea was it to test SIM- equipped PCs?

Yes, that was me, too. Latest is the Vodafone offering - not the dongle, but the built-in PC. In order to install the data SIM, you have to log onto that site (or phone them) and give them the Secret Special Number encoded in it.

That number is available only through software. The machine has that software built in, of course. I'll spare the blushes of the manufacturer, and say no more than you press the special button, and it runs automatically. Of course, you can also run it from the Windows "start" button too.

On the machine provided for review, that Special Button has been disabled, and the software uninstalled.

I rang to ask how to re-enable it.

"Oh. Oh dear. We'll have to re-install Windows and EVEYRTHING!" wailed the publicity bunny.

I think this stupid idea must have been one of that Hunky Mouse's stupid ideas, that's what I think...

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