
Is it Orange? or is it Blackberry's Bold that's broken?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 14 October 2008

A mystery surrounds a hand-over problem for mobile users with Blackberry Bold cellphones, and the Orange UK network. All we know for sure, is that Orange has withdrawn the phone. But why?

Orange itself won't say. Several reports simply listed the fact of the withdrawal, putting it down to "mystery problems" with the phone.

The mystery, says Tom Jowitt, is most probably a conflict between Orange's network, and the software in thephone. He writes: "

...a source told Techworld that it is a 2G to 3G handover issue that is plaguing Orange [but]  other UK operators do not seem to have the same problem and are still selling the device.

" Vodafone confirmed that there are no known issues selling the Bold through the Vodafone network....[but]

"Vodafone did admit that there had been some handover issues between 2G and 3G at the beginning, but they had gone back to drawing board and solved it,"

he concluded.

Full story here

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