
But what does Chrome mean to Nokia?

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 02 October 2008

It's easy to summarise Google's new browser, Chrome, as "just another Webkit based browser" but it's not obvious how this affects the mobile world. According to Twm (mobile rōnin) Davies, it will affect us quite a bit when it comes to development.

In an analysis for The Register, Davies focuses on the developer environment, Gears, and and writes: "Nokia has much to lose due to its "service company" aspirations if Gears runs across multiple handsets. Once you have a single sign-on to services from Google, it means that the barrier is lowered for existing subscribers to try out new services. You can’t really make users on a mobile type in their email address, password and memorable phrase each time."

Also, find his summary on his own blog.

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