
Spiderman 3 "special offer" to encourage sales of the Nokia N95 Black Phone

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 16 October 2007

No, it's not really Nokia's answer to the iPhone. Maybe it doesn't have to be; but it does allow you to store twenty hours of video, and gives you a great 5 megapixel camera. Oh, and a pre-loaded copy of Spiderman 3, the movie.

The sub-three-inch display of the latest eight-gig Nokia N95 may be something that Espoo thinks makes "watching videos, browsing the Internet or viewing maps is a real pleasure," but in reality, the big advantage of this over Apple's device is that it's a good phone.

What it isn't, is cheap: Ricky Cadden estimates an unsubsidised price of "around 560EUR" or $796. And, says Cadden, the Spiderman movie isn't free, and nobody is saying how much it will cost yet. Also, beware! - it's a "special edition" and nobody seems to have reviewed it yet.

The "big screen" claim isn't unfounded, but it's open to question whether the increase from 2.6 inches to 2.8 inches, really makes that much difference, especially with the resolution still quarter-VGA.
And of course, as with most new Nokia smartphones in this week of the Smartphone Show, this version includes the game platform, N-Gage. It also has GPS built in.

Press release here

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