
Scepticism for the idea that the Nokia N95 is "a great camera" at art show

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 05 October 2007

Nokia is sponsoring an art show, featuring pictures "up to eight metres long" taken by photographer and artist Henry Reichhold, as part of the Reflect series, at the Royal Albert Hall. It will also appear in Second Life, says the announcement.

"The Connected Worlds project will create two exhibitions, one at the Royal Albert Hall and a virtual exhibition on the Nokia Island in Second Life ( ," says the official release

The idea that the N95 camera may be up to the task has raised hackles.

The exhibition was flagged by Steve Litchfield of All About Symbian with enthusiasm: "Although, obviously, the lens is smaller than on a standalone camera, the N95, with latest firmware and in reasonable-to-good light, takes astounding photos. And, as is also obvious from the photos in this guy's collection, he's done a lot of post-processing on the desktop, fiddling with colours and joining images together."

But you can see from the site, his readers don't buy it.

View the exhibition on the two free open days at the Royal Albert Hall:

Saturday 29 October, 11.00am - 3.00pm and Saturday 3 November, 11.00am - 3.00pm.

Or visit Nokia Island in Second Life... but better create a cool avatar first!

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