A comms advert that REALLY sucks, wireless or not!
by Sniffer | posted on 26 September 2007
For some reason, The Boss won't let me show you this advert, which was (allegedly) created for network company Alteon back in 1999 by an advertising agency which really wanted to please the client.

I found the advert while searching through background on Ruckus Wireless founder (and CEO) Selina Lo. I can assure you that Selina had nothing to do with the advert, because she has (I asked!) never had kids.
Ruckus, as you probably know, makes high quality WiFi - good enough for wireless TV streaming around the home. The Boss says he's planning to review one of their wireless routers. I hope he knows what sort of material it will provide...
Picture courtesy Zeldman.com where you can read the full, unlikely, story.
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