
Quiconnect appoints Marc Rozier as chief technology officer

by Staff Writer | posted on 11 May 2007

Quiconnect has announced the appointment of Marc Rozier as its chief technology officer (CTO), effective immediately. The company describes itself as a specialist systems integrator offering interconnectivity services in the wireless broadband sector.

Marc Rozier is "an expert in systems software and distributed systems with a track record of innovation." He  will be responsible for setting the overall technical direction of the company, leading and managing technical staff, acting as liaison between the executive, sales and engineering teams and organising technical collaboration with partner companies, reporting directly to Quiconnect’s chief executive officer, Troy Simoni.

Commenting on why he joined the company, Marc Rozier explained: “It’s an exciting time for Quiconnect as, in a relatively short period of time, they’ve established a well regarded position working with the world’s leading telcos and network operators to enable carrier-branded Wi-Fi access for travellers globally. And this is set to continue as hotspot integration challenges evolve with the launch of new VoIP, TV and film applications, as access devices broaden to include PDAs, phones and games consoles."

He added "As WiMAX comes to fruition, I wanted to join an exciting company going places where my input and technical expertise will have a direct impact."

Rozier has over 20 years experience working in the IT industry, says his CV: he was co-founder and vice president of engineering at Chorus Systems, a French-based company established in 1986 which created microkernel technology to allow different operating systems to run concurrently on the same server hardware.

Marc Rozier said: “My experience leading a fast growing company at the forefront of technology innovation and servicing of telecoms infrastructure vendors is directly relevant to Quiconnect, today.”

Quiconnect supplies tools, technology and services to enable the world’s leading service providers and network operators to offer their customers the ability to roam reliably and easily on different public WLAN networks, along with competitively priced, branded user experiences across these multiple networks, platforms and applications.

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