Instant messaging goes walkabout in Russia. It's a start...
by Guy J Kewney | posted on 11 May 2007
The GSMA hasn't had that many triumphant headlines about the "presence-enabled" Personal IM (instant messaging) standard it's trying to get adopted in the mobile world - but it seems Russia has gone for it.
Today, NeuStar, announced that Russian mobile operator, VimpelCom, has selected NeuStar’s Next Generation Messaging solution for its mobile instant messaging (IM) service.
The official statement says: "Under VimpelCom’s popular BeelineTM brand, NeuStar’s IMSC (IM Service Centre) and IM Clients will provide real-time, presence-enabled instant messaging to VimpelCom’s 48 million subscribers in Russia," and it continues: "The new Beeline IM service will further enhance VimpelCom’s position as a leading innovative provider of mobile communications anytime, anywhere."
By using the service, subscribers will experience the benefits of mobilised instant messaging, enabling them to manage their communications, through seeing personal availability information on their phone’s contact list, to choose how and when to make contact with friends and family.
Naturally, the GSMA is pleased as punch: "We are pleased to see that VimpelCom's customers will soon be able to enjoy Personal IM, which is based on the principles of security, reliability, interoperability and 'sending party pays' that have made text messaging such a success," said Alex Sinclair, Chief Technology Officer of the GSMA.
Sinclair believes that Russia has demonstrated a voracious appetite for mobile services "and Personal IM should thrive in this competitive and innovative market."
The GMSA also rustled up a quote from Kent McNeley, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at VimpelCom: “Our aim is to free up communications, and Beeline’s mobile instant messaging service will enhance our service offering and provide an exciting advanced messaging choice for subscribers to share experiences in real-time,” McNeley said.
Vimpelcom says it selected NeuStar "because of its experience in delivering reliable, convenient and revenue-generating IM solutions," and added: “We wanted to work with a company who shares our vision to enable personalised, advanced communications that will make a difference in how people use their mobile phones. NeuStar has the capabilities to implement IM in working solutions.”
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