
How to organise a birthday party in Monaco

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 07 May 2007

Didn't know the mouse was a Canon dealer, but he doesn't know the half of it. Here are some handy hints when organising a prestige hospitality for the press corps:

  • Provide Internet connectivity. These people are not here to applaud the Vice President enthusiastically - in fact they won't. They'll either be making notes, or asleep. If making notes, they'll want to file stories.
  • If you have a WiFi hotspot, leave it on when the presentation starts. There are these things called blogs, and people who have just started blogging your CEO's speech will utter cries of dismay if you switch it off five minutes later.
  • Have some NEWS ready, truly.
  • Yes, the mouse is spot on. Either introduce the dealers to the Press, and let them occupy each other (excellent source of news!) or give the press access to your top execs without the sense that they want to get on and do some business with the dealers.

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