
At least I'm not alone... but still, noone can hear me scream

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 04 April 2007

Almost exactly a year ago, Tony Karp signed off his blog for the day. Uncannily, I can quote exactly what he said, with total accuracy.

This is how I feel today. I caught a bug from my beautiful little granddaughter, so it's probably not a very big bug. So far, the only symptoms a fever and the feeling that my blood is about two units low. 

Well, it's not quite identical. I get the impression Tony was still functioning. I'm not; after two days of a sore throat, I've finally completely lost my voice. If I shook hands with you yesterday, I'm really, really sorry. It's off to the doctor with me... Oh, and then I'm going to bed.

Feel free to leave voicemail. If it's urgent, get someone else to do it... and enjoy Tony's painting!

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