
Apple v Apple and ITYS gloating

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 05 February 2007

Guy Goma
If only the wretched producers of BBC News24 had actually used the interview I did on the famous Guy Goma day, they would now be able to indulge in some high power gloating.

In their archives, somewhere, is my comment - explaining that Apple vs Apple would not end the way the High Court Judge decided it would end back in May last year. I think I suggested that a deal had already been agreed between the two Apples, and that once the lawsuit was out of the way, things would settle down into agreement.

It was an analysis which also pointed out that the battle was really all about Digital Rights Management. In the months since then, DRM and Windows Vista have together occupied acres of newsprint, hours of TV and worlds of pain in conferences. Most of that will be people gradually catching up with what News 24's analysis would have said.

They didn't use it. Instead, they went and got another pundit, who said "It's time for Apple to Let It Be..." which was, probably, far wittier. But they didn't use it because it was witty... it was to avoid the embarrassment of having two people called Guy Kewney on the same channel on the same day - one obviously brown, one equally clearly pink.

Very immodest, I know, I know. What's the point of being able to say "I Told You So!" if you don't say it?

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