
"Your accent is wonderful, Guy..."

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 26 January 2007

An old friend in the PR business has, for some time, been regarded as slightly flighty - an accusation she strenuously rejects. Recently, she got in touch: " I hope you are well and we can connect soon - I have a few company launches planned this spring that might interest you.."

It became apparent that she remembered me well - well enough, at any rate, to be friendly and chatty. But it seemed to me that her response to a reference to "Guy Goma" was - well, she didn't seem to know the name. And it has to be said, most of my friends do.

I pointed her at YouTube. There was a moment of silence, then: "Excellent!  I'd heard about the verdict but it didn't have as much impact here -- we need more people like you in the US talking consumer demand and the fact that digital markets are primary markets.  Here the entertainment industry dominates and talks about pirates."

Eh? Did she remember me as someone who could be mistaken for the excellent M Goma? A gentle question... "you do realise, I look rather different?" Instantly: "What do you mean? And is French your first language?? your accent is wonderful!"

Pity - she'd been doing quite well with the "Guy old buddy!" routine before that!

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