
Americans, one cares, all of them? or just Redmond's anti-virus gang?

by Sniffer | posted on 11 November 2006

Long ago, there was a computer company called Wang. To the great delight of all English readers, they come up with an advertising slogan: "Wang Cares." Can Microsoft match this?


Apparently yes... I'm not the first to notice that Microsoft's new anti-virus package for users of "Vista" is beautifully homophonic with that.. and with another well known British term of scorn.

"Can I use Windows Live OneCare with Windows XP or Vista X64 versions?" asks the FAQ, innocently. And 25 million Brits (all the blokes, of course - the Ladies wouldn't snigger) fall about, snorting. All except the bankers, of course. We'll try it on a wunch of them and see, but I bet...

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