
An alternative to super-capacitors: nanobatteries which won't over-heat

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 23 August 2006

Different battery technologies release different amounts of power, and take different times; the fires which caused Dell to recall some of its laptop batteries earlier this month show how bad it can be. Supercapacitors are one solution. But now, Tel Aviv researchers have developed a nano-battery.

According to a report in EE Times, the new device is a single battery, with some 30,000 miniature cells, all packed into one square centimetre.

"The design combines low internal resistance characteristics of thin-film batteries with the high capacity of regular chargeable lithium-ion batteries. Using proprietary coating technologies, tens of thousands of miniature lithium batteries were laid out in parallel within a 0.5-mm-thick nonconducting substrate."

The research team is looking for partners to develop to commercial launch. See reports.Tags:

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