
Well done 3! - a review phone with five quid's worth of PAYG time!

by Sniffer | posted on 14 July 2006

The latest LG 3G phone arrived, set up by 3 for review. No, the Boss is not making happy sounds. I'd tell you what he's saying, but I honestly don't know how to spell some of those words.


The idea was to play with something called Seamy TV, and so the Editorial staff contacted them. Of course, Seamy TV turns out to be something you can only see on a 3 network phone, and they kindly said they'd send a suitable handset. Actually, we already had an old 3-registered Motorola phone, but they said we'd like to try out the LG.

Next day, the review phone arrived. With it, a nice SIM card. Plug in, charge up, and test. Five calls later, it announced (in mid-call, yet) that there was not enough money in the bank, and closed down.

File under "PR Stunts That Went Wrong" along with the old Prestel demo unit in the British Library, way back when. Yes, BT installed it there. Yes, they organised a PR thrash to see it. No, it wasn't working. Yes, BT had cut the line off for non-payment of rental...

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