
Bluetooth scanner for Microsoft mobiles

by Guy J Kewney | posted on 31 January 2006

It's his "first ever C++ program, and it's a hacker tool for discovering Bluetooth services. Is it more interesting than just using the ordinary scan routine? His handle is c0rnholio, and he says yes, it will be when he adds more features.

He described it at NetStumbler as follows: "I created a simple bluetooth scanner for my PDA (HTC Universal). In fact it "should" run on every device which

  •  is = or > PPC2003 (inkl. WM5
  •  has the MS bt-stack running
  • He says it's "nothing big and I'm sure some people are missing features like saving the scan results and so on. But hey, it's my first c++ program and in addition my first program for PPC. I will add some features WHEN I have time to do so."

    The author describes himself as a security consultant, based in Germany. "Btcrawler is just the scanning part of an other application I am writing for Bluetooth pentesting," he wrote, indicating that the rest of the package will be a genuine hacker tool. As to whether he'll release that, he isn't saying.

    Download from his site.

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