
Another WiFi mobile phone - this for Korean customers of Samsung only

by Staff Writer | posted on 29 November 2005

Hard on the news that Nokia has announced a new WiFi based 9300i and that HTC is about to find a European carrier to take the WiFi Qtek8310, Samsung has released its latest WiFi cellphone, the SPH-V6800. Only for Koreans, it seems.

At Digital Lifestyles, Mike Slocombe praised the video recorder - MPEG-4 - and the nice camera, as well as the WiFi - and the MP3/AAC audio playback. "There's also voice recognition built in, video-on-demand, TV-output, EV-DO," he chorteled, "and the bit we really like, the built-in Wi-Fi wireless (802.11b, 11Mbps) LAN."

More details and pictures from Slocombe's report

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