
Plagiarism! Outrage! Mightymouse? How dare they!

by Sniffer | posted on 02 August 2005

It is a mouse, OK? Apart from that, as the world's first and only HunkyMouse, can I denounce Apple's new rodent as an infringement of our IP, a gross violation of our leveraged corporate assets, and an attempt to "pass off" the Mighty Mouse name as a Hunky Mouse lookalike?


I mean, it is a simple wired mouse, not even Bluetooth. Definitely not wireless. It even works with Windows XP, for crissake; how cool is that? It's a multi-button mouse, just like everybody else has had for years.

OK, it's a step forward in one sense: it allows modal application writing for Mac application writers.

Otherwise, it's a blatant attempt to capitalise on the goodwill inherent in the HunkyMouse brand, and a disgrace to digital rights activism

...ctd P 94

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